In response to a UN event, Jesus Menino Community defends life in the USA
Report by Natalia Zimbrão to the portal acidigital.com (click here to see the original report). NEW YORK, Mar
Report by Natalia Zimbrão to the portal acidigital.com (click here to see the original report). NEW YORK, Mar
“The ideal that God called me to live, I am trying to respond with my life, but its continuation depends on all of us.”
Jesus Menino Community - CNPJ 36.052.249/0001-98
Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil
Petrópolis City
Estrada Divino Espírito Santo, 577, Carangola
Zip Code: 25715-410
Phone: +55 24 2242 4208
Whatsapp: +55 24 98855 0848